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Friday, July 19, 2024

Dry Fruit Diet for Dietary Fiber

Dry Fruit Diet for Dietary Fiber

Post by Alex Brad.

1. Introduction

Integrating dried organic products into your eating routine is a compelling method for helping your dietary fiber consumption, supporting stomach well-being, and keeping a decent eating routine. This is an illustration of the way to follow a dry organic product diet.

Dry Fruit Diet for Dietary Fiber

2. Everyday Meal Plan For a Dry Fruit Diet:

1) Breakfast Start
Dry Natural product Parfait: Integrate 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt with a small bunch of blended dried natural products (like raisins, apricots, and dates) and a tablespoon of honey.
Refreshment: A glass of water or natural tea.
For a morning snack, you could eat some dried fruit mixed with nuts (such as almonds, walnuts, and dried cranberries).

2) Lunch
Spinach and quinoa salad: Prepare spinach leaves with boiled quinoa, cut cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and dried cranberries. Season with salt, black pepper, olive oil, and lemon juice.
Refreshment: Water with a slice of lemon.

3) Afternoon Snack
Apple Cuts with Dried Figs: lice an apple and enjoy it with a few dried figs for added fiber and sweetness.

4) Dinner
Barbecued Chicken with Dried Apricot Couscous: Serve barbecued chicken cuts with a mixture of couscous and chopped dried apricots, green onions, and olive oil.
Steamed vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.
Refreshment: A glass of water or herbal tea.

5) Evening Snack
Dried Fruit Energy Balls: Mix together dates, oats, and a couple of dim chocolate chips to get some little energy balls. Eat 1 or 2 preceding bed.

6) Tips to remember
Hydrate Well: Drink a lot of water over the course of the day to assist the fiber in dried organic products with moving flawlessly through your digestive system.
Portion Control: Dried natural products are calorie-thick, so keep portions moderate to stay away from excessive calorie consumption.
Variety Matter: Mix various sorts of dried natural products to guarantee you get a range of supplements.
Balance with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Remember new fruits for your feasts to supplement the dried fruits for a decent eating routine.
Stand by listening to Your Body: Focus on how your body answers expanded fiber consumption and change segments if important to keep away from stomach discomfort.

3. Advantages of a Dry Fruit Diet

High Fiber Content: Dried natural products are rich in dietary fiber, which supports assimilation and forestalls obstruction.
Supplement Rich: They give fundamental nutrients and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and iron.
Boost of energy: The normal sugars in dried organic products give a speedy boost of energy, making them a fantastic nibble choice.
Helpful and Compact: Dried organic products are not difficult to carry and store, making them an advantageous choice for occupied plans.
By following this dry fruit diet plan, you can upgrade your dietary fiber admission, support your stomach well-being, and partake in the various medical advantages of dried fruits.

Hope you enjoy it and you will eat more fruit. Think well and be in good shape. Alex

You can find an interesting book here about a fruits-based diet:

Fruit Diet: Get Healthy, Lose Weight, With a Fruitarian Meal Plan (Vegan Diet, Plant Based Whole Foods, High Carbohydrate, Low Fat), by Don Haas (Author)

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Find the Advantages of Fruits-Based Diet Plans

Find the Advantages of Fruits-Based Diet Plans

Post by Alex Brad.

1. Introduction

Practicing good eating habits with natural products is an extraordinary method for improving your eating regimen, whether you're hoping to supplant dinners, detox your body, or keep up with legitimate weight. Organic products are loaded with fundamental nutrients and minerals, making them an ideal decision for anybody hoping to work on their general well-being.
Natural Product Diet Plans for Weight Management and Detox
Organic product-based diets can assist you with decreasing calorie intake without feeling denied. They act as regular detoxifiers and propose a break from customary weight reduction techniques.

2. Here are some successful organic product diets to consider:

1) Morning Banana Diet for a Strong Start
Launch your day with the Morning Banana Diet by polishing off bananas and water for breakfast. This diet is straightforward and compelling for weight reduction, ease of constipation, and body purifying.
Eat what you like for lunch and supper, and partake in the peaceful way to deal with counting calories.

2) Kiwi Diet for a Nutrient Lift
Begin your day with the Kiwi Diet to get a speedy portion of L-ascorbic acid. Eating 1 to 3 kiwis for breakfast helps cut calories as well as lifts your resistant framework.
Make sure to store kiwis at room temperature to protect their nutrient content, and try not to eat 4 hours before sleep time.

3) Avocado Diet for Fat Consumption and Detox
Integrate avocados into each dinner with the Avocado Eating regimen. Avocados are plentiful in amino acids, nutrients, minerals, and Coenzyme Q10, which helps your skin and generally speaking well-being. This diet helps check appetite and supports weight loss without forfeiting your number one food variety.

4) Grapefruit Diet To Lose Weight
Grapefruit is one of those sound organic products that never goes downhill and hangs on coming up in the persistent conversation of how eating to get in shape functions. Coming to the heart of the matter, in the event that you are searching for approaches to change the method of your yearning The Grapefruit Diet is a natural product food plan that is a sure unquestionable necessity.
Regardless of whether you don't know whether grapefruit is great for you, that doesn't mean you can't check it out. All you expect to do is consume 1 grapefruit for breakfast and supper stripping by hand in light of the fact that the grapefruit aroma is significant because it contains Naringin found to assist with smothering Suppress Hunger is expected to scratch back on calories.

5) Dry Natural Fruits Diet for Dietary Fiber
Assuming you battle with obstruction, the Dry Organic product Diet is great. Dried organic products are high in dietary fiber, which advances sound solid discharges and poison ends. Nibble on a bowl of dried organic products to keep your energy levels up and remain focused on your eating routine. 
For Breakfast you can try: 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt with a handful of mixed dried fruits (such as raisins, apricots, and dates) and a tablespoon of honey.
For a Mid-morning snack: A small handful of almonds, walnuts, and dried cranberries.
For Lunch: Spinach and Quinoa Salad: Toss spinach leaves with cooked quinoa, sliced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and a sprinkle of dried cranberries. Dress with olive oil and lemon juice.
For Dinner: Dried Fruit Energy Balls: Blend together dates, oats, and a few dark chocolate chips to form small energy balls. Enjoy 1 or 2 before bed.

6) Apple Diet for a 3-Day Purge
It's a great challenge, isn't it? The Apple Diet includes eating just apples for three days, making it a successful present-moment purge. Apples are nutritious and assist with lessening calorie intake while keeping you hydrated. This diet is testing yet remunerating for those looking to launch their weight reduction venture.

7) Watermelon Diet for Regular Detox
The Watermelon Detox Diet is ideally suited for purging your body. Watermelon is hydrating, and nutritious, and upholds liver capability, prompting quicker digestion. Appreciate watermelon to help your body detoxify and dial back the maturing system.

3. Natural product Diet Guide for Calorie Decrease

A natural product-based diet can fundamentally lessen your calorie consumption. Supplanting a dinner with a generous serving of natural products can keep you fulfilled until your next feast. While eating organic products alone won't ensure weight reduction, following an organized organic product diet plan can direct your endeavors and assist you with accomplishing your well-being objectives.
Integrate these organic products and eat less into your daily schedule to partake in the advantages of normal, supplement-rich food varieties. Whether you're hoping to detox, get in shape, or just keep a sound way of life, natural fruits offer a flavorful and powerful arrangement.

Hope you enjoy it and you will eat more fruit. Think well and be in good shape. Alex

You can find an interesting book here about a fruits-based diet:

Fruit Diet: Get Healthy, Lose Weight, With a Fruitarian Meal Plan (Vegan Diet, Plant Based Whole Foods, High Carbohydrate, Low Fat), by Don Haas (Author)

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Obesity Risk Factors and How to Avoid Them

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

10 Top Magnesium Rich Foods Incredibly Healthy Benefits

10 Top Magnesium-Rich Foods Incredibly Healthy Benefits

Post by Alex Brad.

1. Introduction

What is Magnesium and why is it important for our health?
It is generally accepted that magnesium is a mineral that is essential to the body's capability.
Magnesium's main purpose is to assist in keeping blood pressure ordinary, bones solid, and the heartbeat consistent.
I am interested in finding, and hope you also do, what Magnesium benefits are for our bodies, what happens if we don’t provide enough Magnesium from food, what are the factors which involve a great consumption of this mineral, and how to avoid them by adopting a healthy lifestyle and nevertheless what are the top foods rich in Magnesium that must integrate into our diet.

YouTube Video on Channel @alexica73

2. Magnesium Benefits

What is magnesium good for? Magnesium helps your body in the following issues:
- Diabetes (regulates blood sugar levels)
- Blood pressure regulation (by modulating vascular tone and reactivity)
- Premenstrual syndrome (Magnesium in combination with vitamin B6 can be used for women's prevention of premenstrual syndrome )
- Migraine (Magnesium may prevent the wave of brain signaling, called a cortical spreading depression, which is the cause of migraine).
- Cardiovascular health (by regulating several ion transporters, including potassium and calcium channels)
- Heart arrhythmia (magnesium deficiency conduct to severe muscle cramps and increases of irregular heartbeats known as arrhythmias)
- Depression and anxiety (magnesium supplementation may affect the brain functions that help lower stress and anxiety)
- Bone health (magnesium supports bone mineral density)
- Improves sleep and prevents insomnia ( by reducing the stress hormone cortisol, and increasing the sleep hormone melatonin, magnesium acts as a sedative and calms your body. Acting like that the quality of the sleep is improved and also prevents insomnia)
- Increase Energy production (magnesium helps in the process of converting the glucose in food into energy; having enough magnesium can help keep energy levels stable)
- Muscle cramps (the scientific evidence doesn't support the effectiveness of magnesium for cramps but for some people diet with magnesium supplements there is an improvement in their leg cramps)
- Osteoporosis (Magnesium helps minerals, especially calcium, to strengthen your bones, preventing in this way the risk of osteoporosis disease)
- Nerve function (For optimal nerve transmission and muscle contraction minerals such as calcium and magnesium must be provided).

3. Magnesium Deficiency

What happened when your body had a magnesium deficiency? Find below some of the most important symptoms that make your life unhappy:
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Headaches
- Muscle contractions and nighttime leg cramps
- General body weakness
- Heart palpitations
- Tingling in the legs or hands…
When you have some of those symptoms of low magnesium you must take care of your health immediately about your minerals intake and ask for a consultation with your doctor eventually for a precise diagnosis.

4. Factors Which Decrease Your Magnesium Reserves

Let’s see now what are the factors that have a negative impact on your magnesium reserve and be aware of the magnesium supplements we should take to keep a balanced level.
- High-sugar food
- Chronic inflammation and stress
- Deterioration at the small intestine or leaky-gut syndrome
- Soft drinks high in phosphoric acid
- Caffeine consumption
- Stained exercises during the workout or significant sweating that change the electrolyte balance
- Drinking alcohol
- Medications: antacids, antibiotics, antihistamines, blood pressure-reducing, steroid anti-inflammatories, estrogen drugs, osteoporosis and breast cancer drugs…
- Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
- Hyperinsulinemia …To mention some of the most important factors that consume your magnesium stores.
Enumerating those causes of low magnesium you see that some of them are direct consequences of your lifestyle… An unhealthy lifestyle must be improved by throwing away bad habits or routines such as drinking too much alcohol, coffee, sugared drinks, or eating junk food, and too many sweets.

5. What are the top 10 foods rich in magnesium?

Before finding out what are the top-rich magnesium foods let’s see how much quantities of magnesium our body needs.
Daily necessary estimated quantities of magnesium for the proper function of your body are as follows:
- for an adult men ( 19-51+ years) = about 400-420 mg daily
- for women about 310-320 mg (when pregnancy requires more: about 350-360 mg daily and lactation, 310-320 mg)
- for children under 3 years: 20 to 50 mg daily, children 4 to 6 years—65 mg daily and for children 7 to 10 years: about 100 to 135 mg daily.

We can find high resources of Magnesium in seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and fish.
-Top seeds rich in Magnesium ( 100 g / 3,5 oz):
1. Pumpkin seeds ~ 500-550 mg
2. Flaxseed ~392 mg (also rich in Phosphorus ~642 mg) and Chia seeds ~ 335 mg and
- Top nuts rich in Magnesium:
3. Brazil nuts ~ 376 mg (~90 % Daily Value)
4. Almonds ~ 258 mg
5. Cashews ~ 251 mg
6. Peanuts ~ 180 mg
- Top vegetables rich in magnesium:
7. Spinach ~ 93 mg and Swiss chard ~86 mg
8. Edamame ~ 64 mg
- Top fruits:
9. Avocado ~29 mg
- Other foods rich in magnesium:
10. Dark chocolate (dark, 70–85% cocoa solids ) ~ 228 mg (also rich in Copper 1,77 mg ~197 % Daily Value–and Iron 11,9 mg ~66 % Daily Value)
Also, must mention some other food found in our regular diet, such: as potato ~ 22mg, rice ~13 mg, Greek yogurt ~11 mg, oatmeal ~27 mg, beef meat ~21 mg, chicken breast meat ~32 mg, banana 27 mg (also rich in Potassium ~ 352 mg)
For fish: such as salmon (~ 25 mg) and halibut (~23 mg)
The list above is not exhaustive, it’s just a general observation and I chose the food randomly for a top 10.
References: USDA (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE) and for the Magnesium quantities on the above products listed.

6. Conclusion.

As you can see above there is a lot of food that we can eat to supply the daily necessary of Magnesium. Is it just our fantasy how to combine them and consume them according to our diet or preferences in meals. Supplements of Magnesium are an option, too, from case to case, and under medical observation or recommendations.
In this article, I just want to underline the importance of Magnesium for our health, with bad and good things, and not be presented like a scientific piece of art. I studied this essential mineral for me, and of course for you, to have better health, feel good, and smile more!…

Hope you enjoy it. Think well and be in good shape. Alex

You can find an interesting book here about Magnesium:
The Magnesium Miracle (Second Edition)Big Book, August 15, 2017 by Carolyn Dean M.D. N.D. (Author)

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